Monday, October 25, 2010

~LOOK what Junk Your Missing~

It has been a while I know.... between working and working my booths this is all the new JUNK I have to throw out at ya! I wish I had the spunk to have some cute Fall or Halloween decor but I just can't muster it up this year. A rainy day today so I was off to The Poet to work in my thing is that almost everything in my booth was a Depot purchase! For those of you that are close and have not been to The Depot you are missing out on some of the BEST PRIMO JUNK around!!!.... JUNK Gals Get your u hauls, trailers what have you and get here, u are really missing out on the loot and it is priced right!!! Oh yes..that mannequin and chair... Depot find. That gorgeous old mannequin was sitting for over 4 days w/ no takers so I gave in to her!! And the chair I had been looking at for over a month then the two paired up perfectly! I don't know what was spilled all over it back in the day but it is too die for 4 sure!!! They are both now at The Poet . (another awesome JUNK stop while you are in NC!)

Well.... I see I was too darn lazy to turn the $$ tag around before I took the darn picture.....usually by the time I get done working the booth, I am a sweaty tired mess so I am not surprised that I missed the tag! Check out the chippy old buggy base, is it cute or what?? Could these have possibly been scored from the Depot?? You need to come out and visit! Look at the colors on the old Gumball machine...chippy Yellow and Turquoise.. it had no key but who cares, right? With paint like that it was a keeper!

Chippy overview of it all.....

Cute little Gray desk purchase from Ms Carolyn at the Decor and More booth at The Depot......

Fantastic old CHIPPY Mantle, bet you can't guess where that came from??? The Depot is a Buyers Paradise for shop owners!!
Just in a whole new stash of old metal signs and chippy arrows!
My favorite gift of of my dealers at The Depot Ms Susan "Allen" Gibson made me this too die for Feedsack Pillow, customized perfectly. For those of you that are near, you have to get on over and see her pillows. All handmade from old vintage feedsacks, I have never seen any quite like hers.
Right down to her Signature Ella Jane tags, Ms Susan is to perfection with all her details....

Thanks for taking a peek, hopefully I will be back with more JUNK sooner than later! I have a few old sign surprises for a later post.
Hugs and Blessings until next time! Janna