I can't believe it, I was able to escape and
JUNK for a day, well not a whole day because I was to darn tired, but I managed to stay alive for a few good finds! After 8 days that felt like 80, I have never been so glad to see my assistant manager at
The Depot return from the beach
(yes, I am telling the world that Ms Rachel, over at
The Shepherds Fold Designs just turned
21 and took her
first trip to the beach w/o her parents!!!
). For all of you who have not visited her blog and read her posts... get over there, she is a true old soul inside a young persons body, very wise for her age!!! Anyway ... it was the busiest 8 days ever without her, it always happens that way!
LOVE this chair, its all I can say. I was driving through downtown yapping with my friend
Beth, (aka...Ms Olde Tyme Marketplace) on the phone today when I passed it sitting out in front of a little designer shop all by it's lonesome. She said well you gotta go back and ask about it, we always have to go back. And yes I turned the next left right onto a one way street.... going the wrong way, a little overly excited, I have not been out to JUNK in sooo long that one chair about sent me into a fit!! To say the least it was outside because they "normally don't house old furniture" I was told. We'll in less than 5 mins it was loaded up at a super duper deal!! Honsetly I liked it better than any of the top notch stuff inside! Now will I keep it or sell??
I wonder what this old sign went to, any ideas?? Had to have it either way.....
Mounds of old linens, you can never go wrong.
I loved the Old Beveled Glass and glass knob in this rusty beauty!

After a few short stops I am pooped!! So much so that I found myself trying to get into the hatch
(of the wrong Nissan Murrano) today at Harris Teeter. I just could not believe my keyfob was not working, after
many jerks to the latch..... wrong car!!! ....It took me a little
too long to realize that it looked like my car but was certainly the wrong one... yep mine was 4 down. Oh yeah, there were people staring and alot of them!!!!! Finally I am back home safe and secure and ready to watch American Pickers with my hubby. I have a few more goodies that have already made there way to the Depot, I will be back soon with a peek at it all. If you are local and have not made it out to The Depot at Gibson Mill you have to get here!! We are seeing droves of travelers near and far every weekend. It is guaranteed to please!!! Make sure to tell me hello if you make it by, I am always there!!! Blessings, Janna
Oh so glad you were able to go out junkin:) I know the feeling when you can't get out due to other commitments and when you do... pure joy!!! Great find on the chair, I really don't know how you are going to give that beauty up. Love your stuff!
I totally understand how one could go the wrong way on a one way street when junk is involved...too funny! Love the chair - the wear on the cushion is just perfect!
And I actually got INTO someone else's van one day. Either my key fob worked on theirs or they didn't have their van locked. I sat there for a few seconds thinking "hey someone's been drinking my water - my bottle was almost full"... before I realized that other strange things were in the van. I slinked out of there as quickly as possible...my van was 3 spaces down. =:0
Since I told you to turn aorund you should give it to me!LOL! I'm pouting now!
thank you for letting me be gone for the week!!! I had lots of fun, as you know :) Its weird how work came so naturally to me...but today I had to "think" about everything. Well...here we go...The Depot Gals! I love it! See ya tomorrow :)
Yayyyyy you GORGEOUS Junker I was staring to worry about you.... :o) !!
I'm SO glad to hear all is well even though you're FLAT OUT LIKE A LIZARD DRINKING....hahahahah....Having said all THAT I'm frightfully envious that EVERYBODY seems to be galivanting around with the LOVELY Beth....** sigh ** I may just have to move to the US.... :o) !!
As ALWAYS I LOVE your stash....!!
Please come back & chat to us again SOON....!!!
Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah :o)
Hello Janna, I see not much has changed with you; still going 100MPH. That is too funny about the car.
Fabulous finds!Stop by if you can.
Glad to hear that you were able to do some "junkin'! LOVE your finds! So, what ya gonna do with that chair? :) (just so you know you have the wrong link for my blog...lol) xo...deb
OH you scored with that chair!! I just love it!
Glad you were able to get back to junkin'. You got some nice goodies. Love that little white cabinet.
I've climbed into a red jeep before and couldn't figure out why I seemed disoriented and my key didn't work. I can certainly understand how that happens. LOL!
Your mind was obviously on more junkin. ;)
Blessings~ Birgit
I do love that chair too! Worth risking your life for I'd say...love the wrong car story. I'd bet most of us have one of those we're just not telling. I know I do. Take care!
Love that sign...wouldn't it be a hoot on a bedroom door?
Great finds.
I've missed you're blogging. So glad the mall is doing so well. It's been too hot to go junkin' here -- can't believe I said that but it's the truth. Love the chair. Jan
Janna- It was great meeting you this past Sunday @ Beth's Shop Keepers Sunday. I had a blast! Afterwards I went over to Sleepy Poets, both your's and Beth's Booth Spaces are really wonderful! Hope to see you soon @ Gibson Mill!
Happy Junkin! Tammy :-)
Janna, I love all of your finds and I have missed hearing what you have been up to! I am coming to visit you sometime before the end of the year:) It is on my list to come shop at you place. Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
Such great stuff! So glad you were able to do some junking. The car scenario is too funny! That's great.
I love the chair too. You did good.
I'm glad you got your junk fix. We all need one sometimes.
I can tell you've been working really hard, Janna. But it's so satisfying, isn't it? THAT is the BEST kind of work. :-)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
love your blog!!
Janna thanks for stopping by. I've been away AGAIN and am now trying to tolerate this torrid weather daily - I'm not a hot weather person at all!
Glad you've been junking and finding more treasure.....not easy in the heat. No wonder you are driving the wrong way and trying to get into other peoples' vehicles - blame it on the climate!!!!
Love your finds and will try to get to Charlotte early in the Fall to check out everything at the Depot. I'm off on another trip to the west soon - hoping after I'm back I'll be able to get out on the NC roads and head your way!
I sent one of your bottle cap necklaces to my friend Marie in the African village I visited - I'm hoping she received it. You can see her in my 'village post' which was an amazing part of the safari trip!
Hugs - Mary
Love your blog! I can't wait to visit Charlotte again so I can go to The Depot. My dad live's in Waxhaw, also. : )
I'll take the rusty mirror please and thank you ....
be still my heart
The story about not being able to get into your car made me laugh -- been there, done that!!
Love that wonderful chair. Great find!
I love American Pickers! Mike and Frank are having way too much fun! Lucky ducks!!
I think the sign with'No Open Lights' is from a NC beach.........has something to do with turtles laying their eggs. I that from a friend who visited there this summer.
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