.....OK, the week was a mess... I can look back and laugh a little about it... now... Tuesday on my way to work me and my BFF (had to call her that, sounds so high school) were yapping on the phone. Of course I am PMS'ing and feeling fat, could not leave that out! We were talking about the Kymora Body Shapers, you have all seen the info commercial....you know the ones make you look 3 sizes smaller, we'll running late I wheeled into the Walgreens, Kymora in hand to the register I go (it just sounds trashy, (Walgreens/Bodyshaper in a sentence) anyway I was going to get it, slip to the bathroom at The Depot and slam that sucker on! Ok, on my way to work from Walgreens, running late thanks to Kymora.... Blue lights.... yep 65 in a 45!!!!! I did not even make him pull out to get me, I just pulled in beside him rolled down the window and handed my license over, big fat ticket, to mad to cry to try to get out of it... he did not cut it not even 1 mph, gave me the entire 65 in a 45, THANK YOU SIR he seemed to enjoy it! ....ok back to Kymora. Te- total mad as the devil I still go to the bathroom to put her own. The info-mercial says slides right on.... it didn't infact once I got it on I thought I was going to have to go and get the owner of The Depot, Gary (OMG) to cut it off me. NEVER in my life have I struggled to get somthing on then scared to death that the darn thing was not coming off. It squashed my tata's together so it looked like one big one in the middle! I was sweating, hot and mad!!!! Now.... Kymora rides in my floorboard until I take her to Walgreens for a $32 refund, I think returning it will be more embarrassing than purchasing it, but I do want my $32 bucks back! I did pay $355 to my attorney so the ticket will go away!! $355 of JUNKIN money lost!!!! So here is what I could salvage from the week to share! I think I will
SLOW DOWN and enjoy life a little w/OUT the Kymora!!

love these hanging scales..... mostly because their beauty in Red!! I have never seen another like them! Thanks to my firend Lisa Norris for bringing these cuties into her booth at the Depot!!
This I did score today at
The Depot, Christmas shopping already, won't say which family member it will be going to incase they read my blog! Thanks to Ms Susan Gibson... she has one of the best booths inside The Depot, if you are in please give her booth a peek!
Another fabulous Depot find, I heard Debbie yelling the other night that she found somthing for me, here she came around the corner with this cutie! See you all have to get to The Depot!! This was a great purchase from Mr Jim Jerris's booth otherwise know as New York! I think you all can see where my entire paycheck is spent!

Mr Mannequin, compliments of a wonderful dealer friend of mine who just wanted me to have him as a gift!! Thanks Coach! Right now he is just standing there in my bedroom corner looking boring... somthing will come of this man yet!
This huge cage was a fabulous Ebay find!! I just happened to find this and won this sucker on the luck of the draw. Ebay is definitely not in my time schedule!! I saw it, placed a $.12 cent bid forgot about it and won! That almost NEVER happens!

Well I am off to the sack, work will be calling at 11am sharp Sunday. Blessings, Janna
You forgot one MAJOR thing, we all wnat to see what that dern thing looks like!
Thanks for the laugh! It's just me and the computer and I am rolling in laughter! I have tried something similar and I felt like I was in body armor!
I'm with Nan. Before you return the Kymora, put it back on and have hubby take a photo. I want to see what we would look like with one center boob. Then, hubby can help get the dang thing off again. Then you can return it!
The red scales are fabulous! As for the ticket, a prayer for judgement worked for me on my last one!
Next week will be better!
Love your finds and had to laugh out loud at your story. I got the Spanx brand of a body hugger - wore it to a wedding my first time out and thought it would kill me. Yes, the ta-tas were all squished and weird looking and I was sweating like a well, you know. Then, when we finally got home, I could barley get the think off - it was soaked and tight! Yuck!
Sunday morning laugh, thanks Janna! That was so darn funny about your squeezer, that's what I call them:) It sounds like a rough day, with the speeding ticket but sounds like you got it handled! Hugs to you dear Friend! Have a blessed day!
Oh Janna love I'm so sorry to hear about your ticket....You gotta slow down girl....All this rush, rush, rushin' isn't good for your blood pressure OR your purse....!!
You had me in fits with your Kymora Bodyshaper story.....So much so that I snorted so loud I scared my poor fur baby, Baxter right off the bed....hahahahaha....AND made me remember a Friend who bought the dreaded THIGH MASTER....I'll have to share that story with you one day & give YOU something to snort about....hahahaha....!
Well I must away....I should have been snoring HOURS ago....!!
Have a GREAT week....!!!
Tamarah :o)
Thanks for saving me the trouble of trying one myself! Great story, and, as usual, great finds!
I'm just laughing at your story. I've never tried one - thought about it - but after your report on it, I think I'll pass! LOL That's too bad about the ticket. And excellent score on the Ebay cage.
Hey girlfriend!
Long time no see...looks like you are still up to your wild and crazy adventures! ;) You kept me laughing through the whole post...take care and YES slow down a bit (hey at least you were able to get that "thing" off). LOL
Hope the worst part of the week is behind you and you can focus on cool junk. Love what you have there, especially that RED hanging scale -- so cool!
Funny, funny! Thanks for saving me the 32 dollars, I would have tried it out had I seen it. The ticket IS a bummer, but love that birdcage, it does kinda make up for the rest of it. Hope the rest of your week is going better!
Body Shapers could probably kill one if they are that tight! Where does all ones blubber go - pushed inside to strangle the vital organs? You know what Janna, life is so much more important than trying to turn we "traditionally built" ladies into bean poles! I thought you looked fabulous at the Depot when we met.
Sorry about the expensive ticket - just don't get another while rushing back to return that gastly thing to Walgreens!
Lovely finds - hope this upcoming weekend will be a fun one for you.
LOVE your scales and your bird house, well, heck, I love it all! Lezlee
So feel for you with the speeding ticket!
I got one last year and it definitely has made me slow down. I want to have a sign for the back of my windshield for when I am in my neighborhood. I want it to say I got a ticket so I am not speeding. I can just see others behind me disgusted with me for going the speed limit! Smile.The speed goes from 40 to 30 to 25 lickity split. I was stopped at 42 right after it turned to 30 from 40. GGGRRRRR!!!!
I know the mad feeling. Seems like such a waste when there are all those treasures out there to be had! I took the driver's class to make mine go away. How do you pay your attorney to make it disappear???? Anyway, take care and know we all love looking at your wonderful stuff---you don't need the confining apparatus!
I actually thought about that Kymora thing until my husband pointed out - "Isn't that just a Girdle??"...hmmm yeah, and I have some vintage ones in the attic that zipper up. That might work, unless the zipper busts out and I loose an eye!
I could relate to everything! Us girls really have to slow down and quit worrying about the slim down, although I don't think that will ever happen!
Keep on smilin and
keep on junkin!
Popped in to catch-up on what you have been doing.....What a week you had!! Been thinking about getting a "Girdle". My Grama Bess always wore one and was smooth as could be. I think I will make sure I look for one several sizes larger than I think I would wear!! Hope this next week is better for you....You still scored some great treasures!
You crack me up!
Love all you stuff!
Hey Janna....!
I hope this note finds you well lovely.... :o) !! Now I don't want to put you under any pressure you hear but I AM dying to find out what you've been up to & to read about your recent junking adventures....!!
I have my fingers crossed all is well that there have been no OTHER speeding fines AND LOTS of junk....!!!
Cheers & warm wishes from Australia,
Tamarah :o)
Thanks for the heads up on the Kymora Body Shaper. I was thinking about getting it for me. Not now!
You take great photos! I love everything on your blog!!
See you soon...
This is vintage.I love these things.
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Hi, I really enjoy your blog. Sorry to hear about your really really bad day!!
I have the same boy and rabbit picture on a silk print for sale in my booth. http://bonflourish.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2010-04-07T15%3A06%3A00-04%3A00&max-results=10
Thanks for sharing your funny day!
Janna, THAT IS a GREAT story. Loved reading it. You are right. Now that a week has gone by you can look back and appreciate the humor. Being a full figured gal myself, I can now spare myself the $32.00. So I thank you for that and the laugh. I enjoy your blog, and since I am new to the world of blog, I am adding you to mine. And look forward to more of your posts. Dina
This post made me LAUGH OUT LOUD......yep......LAUGH OUT LOUD!!
I needed that.
You are too funny...great post! Now, one question.... is the body thing 'One Size Fits All'? Just curious....
Great funny post.....your blog is a stitch!
thanks for stopping by...hope you will add me to your blog roll, would be honored to be listed.
kitsch n Stuff
I was just comin' over to see if you were breathing normally yet... okay - I confess - I came to giggle over your story again. LOL sorry. :-D
Hope you have a WONDERFUL week-end!!!
:) xoxo
Hey Janna....!
Just popped by to say HI & to let you know I'm missing your posts....I HOPE all is well in your part of the world & your finding LOTS of great junk....!!
Take care,
Tamarah :o)
Thanks for the laugh!
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Janna - I arrived home Sat. and found the necklaces awaiting me in amongst the pile of mail Bob had put aside. Many thanks dear.
Hope all is going OK - notice you haven't posted recently - hope your Dad is doing better and the job has not overwhelmed you and prevented you from 'junking'.
Hope to catch up with you once I'm back on my regular time clock - having a hard time readjusting and already long to return to Africa - it was such an amazing trip!
Hugs - Mary
The red scales are fabulous! As for the ticket, a prayer for judgement worked for me on my last one!
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