I am so lost from the blog world that I could hardly find my way back!! I am so out of breathe I can hardly type. Sinse my last post I went from manager of the Depot to being promoted to being over the entire operations. A dream job come true, I know I am truly blessed but I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. In the midst of typing this post I am worrying if the sales were what they should be for the day, if we had a good traffic flow into the mall, if I am meeting all of our dealers expectations.... My brain never seems to never rest these days...... I have missed posting my weekly blogs and reading about all of the excitement of the next Junk discovery that excites all! I have managed to still continue the hunt of good junk but I hardly ever get it to pictures!! Cross your fingers and toes I think I am on my way back!!! Here are a few of my recent junk treasures!!
Now what do we have here..... is that... say it ain't so..... the Kymora is still riding shotgun in my car (for those of you who read my previous post)!! I have not musterd up myself to return that thing. Do you return underwear??? I think it may have been too long!
I can't believe I am sharing this picture!!!! I promise the inside of the house does not look this way. On a Saturday morning if I open the garage I am embarassed to say that at least one car will slow down thinking it is a yard sale!!! I know ( I hope) most Junkers garages look this way!!! I can't even remember what I have lost in here!!!
Back to the post......I am still loving the #'s. I never seem to change....
Rusty Old Wagon has made it's way to the top of my kitchen cabinets for a rest!
I saw this beauty while making a quick pass through the Sleepy Poet to check in on my booth. I have been soo tired lately but this sucker did get me a little excited, if it would have been a million bucks I would have figured a way to get it.... It was one of those things you just had to have. I have been carrying it for a few months now, I ain't tired of it a bit!
Is this the best old mirror or what?? Another
Depot find!

More Junk for the Garage collection!!!

Thanks for hanging in with me. I promise to bring back more pictures this week of JUNK that will please all! The Depot is slam packed full of JUNK goodies these days, it is definitely worth a weekend trip to those of you Junkers in need od a road trip. Don't come equipped without a U Haul!! Until next time, Blessings, Janna
Congrats on the promotion! Good luck!
I sure am lovin all your junk...if you had a yard sale I would be the first one there! Although I would need some notice seeing that I live in Canada! You sure did get some great things, I have a picnic basket similar to the one you found and I can't wait to paint it white!
Take care,
Loving the junk and yes...my driveway, on occasion, and my storage shed look JUST LIKE THAT!!!
Great finds!!!
Congratulations on your new job! Please remember to take care of yourself though!
It was great to read a new post from you!
And yes, my garage looks exactly like yours! My husband calls it "Sanford & Sons"!
Jana, the white basket is simple adorable!!
OH MY GOSH Jana you're BACK....I'm SO excited to see your post in my reader just now I had to let you know....!!!!!
Now I'm going back for a GOOD read & to absorb your pics in detail....!!!
I have SO MISSED your posts....!
Cheers for a bit....!!
WOOHOO & cheers,
Tamarah :o)
Oh Jana I LOVED it all....ESPECIALLY the leather bag....** sigh ** the PERFECT Junkers accessory.... :o) !!
I'm THRILLED to read about your new job....WOW....I would LOVE a job like that....Imagine being immersed in junk & vintage all day long....Oh lovey if you can deal with the stress (& I'm sure you can) you've got it made....If I weren't so far away I'd volunteer to be your assistant....No wages required....!
Well I must away....Again it's been a THRILL to see a new post from you....!!
Cheers from Australia,
Tamarah :o)
CONGRAT'S!!!! My your dream job be exactly that!
It's fun to see your finds. You do seem to find great treasures. Maybe you could stop over and check out a china cabinet that I recently purchased...it's very unique and I'm hoping someone will have some info on it!
Deb :)
I am so glad you're back...it's nice to see that someone else's garage is as bad as mine! Yippee...ok...mine is worse!
Congratulations on the promotion!!! Don't fret... just today we had people stop thinking it was a garage sale. We were just working on furniture. Love the little rusty wagon!
Remember to breathe!
Well done, how lucky are you, though I hope it isnt to stressful and you still have time to junk, obviously!
I just read your last post, too funny , though not the speeding ticket!
Love all your stuff, wish I was there, and my verandahs look like your garage, scary!
Oh Jana, I have missed you and your junk:) Looks like you have loads of good stuff to share! I have two picnic baskets but in their original color. I am still trying to get up the nerve to do something different with them.
I am coming up there soon, I am trying to get up there, OK if I can get my husband to drive me up there, I am coming... hehe! I sure would love to shop in that mall and hug the cutie over the ENITRE OPERATION!
Enjoy your day and keep at it! Your hard work is being rewarded!
Janna, Congrats on your job. I am sure that the dealers will NOT be sorry with their choice. Obviously you "know your stuff." Just for kicks, set the Kymora out in the next yard sale and see what happens? Might be a hit!
Wow, Congrats on the promotion!
And GF if you need help cleaning up that garage, just let me know! I'd love to come dig it out with you.. Hmm, I mean clean it out....Everyone needs projects!
Happy Craftin,
Congratulations on your promotion:) I just recently became a fan of your blog and I enjoy your stories and pictures. Glad you were able to find time to get back to blogging, looks like you have a great fan base. Have fun with your new position!
Congrats on the promotion... :-)
Love the JUNK... I have a VERY similar wagon.
Warm blessings,
Glad you are back with some GREAT junk finds.....congrats on the promotion!!
Happy day!
Congratulations, I love that bag!!!
Can I come over and play in your garage?
Congrats on the promotion! Good luck!
PPC Advertising India
Janna, congratulations on the promotion! I can imagine how your mind goes and goes. I hope you can let it rest at night and enjoy life! You always have fun stuff. I'm also glad you were honest about your neglected booth. Mine did so poorly over the winter (it was neglected too, but not sure it would have mattered) and we always think every one else in the blog world is selling up a storm. I'm not happy it was slow for you but you did make me feel better.
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